Most Swedish people above 30 years of age knows that 08 is the area phone code to the Stockholm area. A typical 08 is someone from Stockholm who is kind of a jerk, according to people from other parts of Sweden. Well, of some reason quite a lot of these non-Stockholm people ends up living in Stockholm, becoming much more “Stokholmish” than anybody born and raised here. I’m born, raised and currently living in 08-land, for god and bad.
Many dedicated surfers knows that 808 is the Hawaiian area code. Since I have been a regular Hawaiian visitor since late 1980th (mostly Maui), and both learned to surf and build surf boards there(well, I’m not all comfortable to say that I have learned either yet), I thought it would be fitting to have a name and logotyp on my self-made boards that combined my Stockholm and Hawaiian experiences. I also think it looks kind of good!